Daily Archives: August 18, 2008

Photo of the Year – Phelps by a Fingertip

It was Phelps’ 7th gold medal and he won it by .01 of a second.  Did he win it outright?  We think so, but skeptics say otherwise.  The guy is a machine, and he used all 6 feet 5 inches of his frame on this wall-touch.  Phelps is on the left and won the  race due to his “half” stroke finish. 

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Aaron Peirsol, The Missing Link to the Wilson Brothers

The Bejing games were good to Aaron Peirsol, he went home with two golds and a silver, in addition to two world records in the 4 x 100 medley relay team (Phelps’ 8th gold medal race) and the 100 meter backstroke . But is he also the 4th Wilson brother? In our book, he’s a possible ringer to be tapped into the next Wes Anderson movie.


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