Daily Archives: August 27, 2008

Obama is a White Sox Fan and Hillary is a Flip-Flopper

Barack Obama is loyal to the the Chicago White Sox and John McCain follows the Arizona Diamondbacks.  I respect that they aren’t flip-flopping and playing the diplomatic card to appease voters.  Obama spoke out to the beacon of sports journalism, Stu Scott, and pledged his loyal allegiance to the White Sox.  He is not afraid to alienate the millions of Cubs fan nation-wide, because he knows that they are merely bandwagon jumpers.  Obama said:

“I’m not one of these fair weather fans…You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there. People aren’t watching the game. It’s not serious. White Sox, that’s baseball. Southside.”

I respect Obama’s move, especially since Hilary Clinton told Americans she’d root for both the Cubs and the Yankees if they met in the World Series.  The late Tim Russert pressed her with choosing between her Senatorial jurisdiction’s team, the Yankees and her hometown team the Cubs.  Click here for a clip of her answer to “alternate sides” and root for both teams in a Cubs/Yankees World Series.

Similar to the growth of Red Sox Nation after their recent World Series triumphs, Cubs Nation expanding with great fervor.  Fans from across the nation watch the team on WGN or know the Cubs through the Blues Bros. movie.  All these folks are itching to call themselves life-long Cubs fans as soon as they win the next World Series.

There’s no wonder that Barrack has the nomination.  Hillary’s calcuated campaign made her seem like a politcal robot than a person.  Barrack is sticking to his sports roots and he’s the democratic nominee.

Swamp Politics


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