Daily Archives: August 28, 2008

Jay Mariotti Leaving Print Journalism for the Inter-web

Jay Mariotti of Chicago Sun Times and more recently Around the Horn, is leaving hist post at the Chicago paper where he works. He worked 17 years as a print writer and is now moving into the internet world. Wow, this guy is really hurting for a job. Essentially, Mariotti is embracing the new media space and may become dare I say, a blogger.

Mariotti used to rock a mullet back in the day. Now he’s an “Around the Horn” groupie, and comes to work every day to battle the journalistic stalwarts of Woody Paige and Stat Boy from PTI. What sort of reader is going to follow Mariotti to the digital space? Most of his demographic still reads the Sunday paper. Atleast he can whore himself on ESPN, we’re expecting he’ll broadcast from his living room on the next show.

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